セキセイ プレゼンホルダーセンターウェイ A4-S グレー PAL-604-62 特徴: 横入れタイプのポケットなので、倍判のA3サイズも収容できます。書類の保管やプレゼンテーションに最適。 商品仕様: ◆0.5mm厚◆溶着式ポケット(中台紙なし)、24ポケット ◆材質:PP A characteristic: It can accommodate the A3 size of the wide seal to enter and to double in being the pocket of the type. It is most suitable for storage and the presentation of documents.
Product specifications: ◆0.5mm thickness ◆ 溶着式 pocket (there is no middle mount) 24 pockets
セキセイ プレゼンホルダーセンターウェイ A4-S グレー PAL-604-62
A characteristic:
It can accommodate the A3 size of the wide seal to enter and to double in being the pocket of the type. It is most suitable for storage and the presentation of documents.
Product specifications:
◆0.5mm thickness ◆ 溶着式 pocket (there is no middle mount) 24 pockets
◆Materials: PP